The Crest

The Malm family history is represented with the M in the center of the crest. Malm, of Swedish origin speaks through the crown and the sword dating back to 1810 when family member Carl Wilhelm Malm was awarded Knight of the Grand Cross of the Sword from the King of Sweden with the addition of a diploma of nobility. Hugging the sides of the image are snakes (intertwined with the mayflower to follow in a later post) from the medical caduceus, where Kelsey’s maternal side of the family has a long history of medical doctors trailing from Canada into the United States.

The Devison family is deeply rooted in Nova Scotia, a small province in Atlantic Canada. As far back as 1820 the Mayflower (which hugs the sides of the image intertwined with the snakes) emerged as a native patriotic symbol; suggesting high achievement in the face of adversity. The Osprey, often referred to as the King of birds in Buddhism, is the provincial bird of Nova Scotia and has a worldwide presence. Like the symbolic bird, Peter has traveled and trained on multiple continents.

The combined Devison-Malm journey is rooted in grapes, represented in the bottom left of the crest. Both Peter and Kelsey have spent their entire adult careers in the wine industry. From dusting shelfs, sales, marketing, imports, viticulture and winemaking, they have touched most every side of the industry. The Washington State image in the upper right represents both their love and passion for Washington State and Washington Wine. At the top of the crest, the compass with a dot noting the Northwest, represents all of the many travels which have been pivotal in inspiring their love and passion; planting them firmly in the rich wine regions of the incredible PNW!